the second world war

History wydanie 18.08.2023 – 25.08.2023
Life at „Express” speed
The mysterious creator of communist Poland’ most-read daily died at 36.
History wydanie 28.07.2023 – 4.08.2023
Austria - a state that even the Austrians did not want
Only after 1945 did their longing for Germany leave them. More comfortable than Pangermanism was the position of Hitler's first victim.
Columns wydanie 21.07.2023 – 28.07.2023
Mission not accomplished
The attitude of the Allies towards the Karski Report is not the subject of academic sessions.
Columns wydanie 14.07.2023 – 21.07.2023
Arduous road to common prayer
Archbp. Gądecki puts it bluntly: Volhynia massacre victims deserve to have graves.
History wydanie 30.06.2023 – 7.07.2023
22 million tonnes of rubble. Warsaw after the war
The enthusiasm for reconstruction was not just the propaganda of that time.
Civilization wydanie 23.06.2023 – 30.06.2023
Battles of Verdun and the Somme resemble fighting for Bakhmut
The “brothers of Cossack descent” have already won the most important battle of this war – and perhaps since 1654 – that of identity. But have they won the others?
History wydanie 23.06.2023 – 30.06.2023
Damages for war crimes
Aggrieved parties usually sue states but they are helpless in the face of their immunity.
Columns wydanie 16.06.2023 – 23.06.2023
Where are the executioners and where are the victims
Where did the inability to explain the war crimes committed against Polish citizens come from?
History wydanie 9.06.2023 – 16.06.2023
The Soviets drove tanks into the crowd
Almost 70 tunnels were built under the Berlin Wall.
Columns wydanie 9.06.2023 – 16.06.2023
Israeli historians confuse Professor Engelking
The knowledge about the Jewish Military Union is still more extensive in Israel than in Poland.
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